webdevelopment: Alain Brusch
And suddenly I knew it was all about the process...

During my process I've been touching different kind of topics within the realm of generative design. It took some time until I realised that it is all about the way I work with code and that it's the process which is not only interesting and valuable but also fun to pursue. Also, I presume that my experience from different fields lead to a reverse engineered handling of algorithms which lead to a fast learning curve throughou the period. With the time being, I was able to build a repetoire of skills allowing me to change and handle the algorithm intuitively in a ping-pong setting. It reminded me of the 1960's where the Basel School of Design had protagonists having this interplay between conscious acting and something which is somewhat technically not plannable but spontaneous. In practice, Dia Studio refers to the term improvisation which in fact, seems quite accurate. It's a conscious but not critical act of shaping and directing the visuals into the desired direction – but sometimes even the unexpected comes a long, which might then inspire to pursue new or other ideas.